National Consortium for Languages Education
IOE – Faculty of Education and Society

About us

Our vision
We believe that languages and intercultural agility can help to foster universal understanding and contribute to building a peaceful and harmonious world future.

Our mission
To fulfil this potential, we must leverage the value of all our languages by providing high quality language teaching in schools; increasing languages uptake at GCSE; levelling up opportunities for disadvantaged pupils; addressing the performance of boys; and better recognising and supporting the rich diversity of languages in addition to English spoken by one in every five of our pupils.

Our aim
NCLE will develop, support and future-proof a collaborative network of up to 25 lead hubs, each comprising up to seven partner schools, to reinvigorate and strengthen system-led leadership in languages across England and improve the learning opportunities and outcomes for all pupils.

Our ethos
We believe in collaboration, creativity and collegiality. To build capacity in languages across the regions, we will listen to teachers and pupils and develop core and bespoke training to meet their language learning needs.

Belief in progress
We are committed to building progress through policy, principles, professional development and promotion. We will uphold the recommendations and principles enshrined in Sir Ian Bauckham’s
2016 Modern Foreign Languages Pedagogy Review.