National Consortium for Languages Education
IOE – Faculty of Education and Society

Module 8

Progress through Foundational Knowledge
Effective approaches to developing phonology, vocabulary and grammar

In this module we will explore how to develop pupils’ autonomy in developing independent control of the language system.  We will explore how to build systematic progress and challenge into your teaching over KS3 and KS4, drawing attention to the foundational building blocks of phonology, vocabulary and grammar and locating these within a dynamic, problem-solving approach where pupils engage with knowledge about language and make clear connections between form and function as they develop powerful knowledge of the language system and increase their independent use of the language they are learning.  We will consider how to build on links with literacy in English and how to make connections with the full multilingual repertoire of languages that many learners bring to the classroom.

Building on ‘best bets’ we will consider the implications of cognitive load theory to your lesson planning, task design and use of resources. We will review how to use low stakes testing, retrieval practice, and pushed output to deepen pupils’ knowledge of the language and move foundational knowledge from short to long-term memory.

We will evaluate the use and systematic removal of scaffolding and the gradual shift from highly structured to independent use of the language to increase pupils’ creativity and mastery of the language system.

“The language structures can themselves be made into really exciting content for problem solving by properly and systematically sequencing it, by turning it into powerful knowledge.”

Professor Li Wei, 2023

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