National Consortium for Languages Education
IOE – Faculty of Education and Society


NCLE Language Hubs is supporting language teachers to be confident, innovative leaders in their classrooms, schools and as part of wider education networks and systems. Our Research and Innovation programme supports the development of research-informed materials for CPD and the Language Hubs model to ensure its relevance, impact and legacy.  

Our overarching aims: 

  • To understand what works, how it works and why. 
  • To provide robust evidence to inform future policy making.  

Our vision: 

  • Priority setting partnerships. Stakeholders work collaboratively and democratically to set meaningful, relevant and situated research agendas. 
  • Practice-led research. Generate new knowledge that has operational significance for practice: e.g., probing effective pedagogy, successful school partnership, language subject leadership. 

Stay up-to-date

We currently offer NCLE CPD synchronous webinars and will be launching the NCLE CPD platform soon. Sign up to our mailing list if you would like to be kept up to date on when this has launched and other activities like this.