National Consortium for Languages Education
IOE – Faculty of Education and Society

Inspire parents and carers to encourage their kids to develop their love of learning languages

We’ve created a vibrant collection of posters and flyers to highlight some of the benefits of studying a language. Centred on three key languages taught in schools, these materials are designed to resonate with both students and their parents or carers. 

  • For kids: The poster, “Languages Could Take You Further,” is designed to spark curiosity and excitement. 
  • For parents/carers: The version, “Languages Could Take Your Child Further,” highlights the long-term advantages of language learning. 

We’ve also created a handy A4 flyer, perfect for distributing at parents’ evenings to spark conversations about the value of language learning. 

These designs have already been part of a successful social media campaign and may feel familiar to parents in your school community. 

Get Your Resources Today 

For further information and resources that you can share with parents and carers, check out

Download and print these eye-catching posters to brighten your classroom and hand out flyers to inspire parents and carers during school events.  

Spanish Resources:

French Resources:

German Resources:

Stay up-to-date

We currently offer NCLE CPD synchronous webinars and have launched Languages Teachers Online, NCLE’s new CPD e-Learning platform. Sign up to our mailing list if you would like to be kept up-to-date on other activities like this